Deep Dive: Build a powerful & confident future
We move through a 3-part process in our work together.
1. Cultivating crystalline clarity around where you're stuck and where you want to go.
2. Growing compassion, acceptance and peace with where you are and what got you into this spot.
3. Taking radical self-responsibility for transforming into a more powerful, aligned version of yourself.
You get:
Clarity about the origin of your self-doubt
A powerful strategy to overwrite your self-doubt
A unique assertiveness training that gives you the confidence you long for
An individualized workbook to continue your work at home
Emotional Grit Training
The ability to communicate your needs
Safe navigation through conflicts

Interested? Book a free 50-min. Call with me and find out if it´s for you.
This program is for you if:
- You are self-reflective and self-responsible
- You have passion, drive and capacity to go deep.
-You are committed and ready to experience radical transformation
- You are willing to put the work in between our sessions (Consider a minimum of 30-45 min. a day)
It is an advantage if you already gained consciousness about your patterns and history in former therapy or coaching, but it´s not a requirement.
This program isn´t for you if:
- You are in need of someone else to stabilize or save yourself. You need the capability to be self-responsible and the ability to self-soothe.
Package content:
Free Clarity-Call (50 min.)
Together we understand exactly: What is negative, frustrating, difficult or annoying in your life regarding your self-worth? What are you longing for, what are your needs, what is your self-worth dream? We start forming your goals and make them trackable. In the end of this session you get a clear picture of what is possible.
Session 1: Create consciousness (2 Hours)
The first important step to transformation is to understand where the blockages you fight with come from. We focus on the situations that have led to the blockages you have today. We ask powerful questions that reveal your patterns. After this session I develop a detailed highly individualized plan for you, with which we will work during the coming months.
Session 2: Transformation of the past (2 Hours)
In this session we work with your unconscious mind. We transform unfavorable beliefs of your unconscious mind and create your first big break-through. After this session you will listen daily to a hypnotherapeutic recording shaped exactly for your individual needs. This recording will help you build new neurological pathways and the new belief system you desire.
Session 3: Take control over your emotions (90 min.)
In this session you learn to regulate your emotional states. Getting control over your thinking, feeling and behaviour is one of the most powerful tools you can develop. You learn to change your states from "not helpful" to "brilliantly supporting your goals". This will take practice and I´m here to support you all the way.
Session 4: Get rid of fear of rejection
Session 5: Create more self-responsibility than ever
Session 6: Achieve loving assertiveness
Session 7: Self-love and forgiveness
Session 8: Personal integrity
Session 9: Goal oriented living
Session 10: Integration
Every session contains a theoretical and practical part. Sessions take place every 2-3 weeks so that you can have enough time to practice in between.
Please write me your questions below.
* Sessions are held with Zoom or Skype.
​This program is a Coaching-Program. If you are diagnosed with a DSM-5 disorder, please talk to your psychiatrist or psychotherapist. This program doesn't replace psychotherapy, but it can be a useful addition.